Notes are my shorter posts; kinda like my own little microblog. They have their own RSS feed and are automatically syndicated to my social profiles.
Spring is definitely in the air. Today might be a good day for the first grass cut of the year...

I got my phone back today, really quick turnaround, which is impressive. But they only repaired stuff that's broken, not anything cosmetic. So the bezel still has a shit load of chunks and scratches out of the aluminium.
I don't know how anyone uses an #iPhone without a case. They're almost impossible to grip without one!
Are these things made of Teflon??
Riding to work this morning and my iPhone fell out of its carrier, then a fucking van ran over it! It's a bit damaged...

This is how utterly shit #AppleIntelligence is...I received an email yesterday in response to my "iOS Mail Is Shite" post and the email started with "Kev - I cannot agree with you more."
But Apple "Intelligence" summarised the email as "Disagrees with Kev; uses Mutt for blog email."
What an utter shit show.

And the new steed is home!

How did this petulant fucking moron get voted in??
I'm getting really bored of the constant "block #YouTube ads" battle. Like it or not, it's the streaming service I spend, by far, the most time on.
Thinking about admitting defeat and just paying for Premium.
Having to put another fish to sleep is a really shitty way to start a Monday.
This is the problem with the #fishkeeping hobby - when you setup a tank and stock it with a load of babies, they all grow up together, but they all grow old together too. So you end up losing them one after another.
I think I might hang up my buckets once these all pass.
When you're thinking about getting a motorbike and decide to go around a few showrooms to narrow down your shortlist, you should definitely NOT spend £22k on a new bike.
No, that's a stupid thing to do and very irresponsible. I'd never do such a silly thing. 🫣
I haven't read this much bollocks in a long, long time.
Tell me you're working too many hours without telling me you're working too many hours...

Walking the dogs with the youngest...
Him: Daaaaaad, I've been reading a book in school about how babies are born.
Me (inner monologue): Shit shit shit shit shit shit.
Him: Did you know that a baby comes out of a ladies private parts and the hole is this big (holds fingers up in a very small circle). But a baby is this big (holds hands up about 2 feet apart).
Me: Yep. That's pretty much it, mate.
Him: .........................................I'm glad I'm not a girl.
Me: 😂😂😂😂😂
Shouting from the other end of the house:
Me: [youngest kid's name], GUESS WHAT???
Him: WHAT?
Him (very calmly): You're boring...
And so the student becomes the master. You win this round, young'n.
Fantastic post by Manu on what identity is and that we can't be identified in broad strokes.
For some reason, I find this site hilarious (probably needs to be done on desktop).
Do people find “month in review” posts interesting? I’ve thought about doing them myself, but very rarely read them so haven’t bothered.
Although when I do read them, they’re usually quite interesting…
Last Friday I posted about taking a break from Mastodon and since then I've checked Masto maybe 3 time and only really looked at my notifications.
It's actually been very pleasant. No politics, no moaning, no negativity, and no drama. I checked the timeline just now and all 4 of those things came flooding in.
Think I'm going to continue just checking my notifications. It's nice.
Right then, off to the garage...

Today it's monster trucks.