
I miss the good old days of the Internet, so after seeing Manu do the same thing, I decided to create my own guestbook.

I loved a good guestbook back in the day, so figured this would be a fun little feature to add. Please do feel free to sign this guestbook using the form below.

Sign my Guestbook

All guestbook entries will be held for moderation before being published. Sorry, but the spam is real. 😞

Rayan Nakib
22 Jul 2024 15:45

hi Kev, I love you site, Awesome design, it was a huge inspiration for my own site, I am remaking it right now.

Kev ❀️ this.

10 Jul 2024 04:17

Hi Kev! How did you do to make this guestbook?

Kev says...

Magic! No, I kid. A couple of people have asked me that question - I need to write up how I did it.

07 Jul 2024 22:53

Hey Kev, love your website. You inspired me to not give up on my blog, currently reworking it. Also, great watches!!

Kev ❀️ this.

07 Jul 2024 15:02

Came here fun your internet is f'd page. I while heartedly agree! I miss good ol forums.

I also noticed you seem to really like the word peruse lol.

Kev says...

I think "peruse" is a fantastic word. I rolls off the tongue so nicely. πŸ™ƒ

Robert Birming
30 Jun 2024 10:37

Hey Kev, love your site! Awesome design and great content. 🀩

Kev ❀️ this.

Cristian Moldovan
29 Jun 2024 15:09

I have followed you for a while, keep it up.

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

Chris Vogt
24 Jun 2024 07:53

I just stumbled onto your website and finding a guestbook takes me back to a paste era. This is lovely, thank you for building, maintaining and sharing your website with the world. ❀️

Kev says...

Thanks Chris, I really appreciate that. Right then, time for me to check out your site now.

Don't you just love the open web. πŸ™ƒ

14 Jun 2024 16:09

In your post about digital currency, folks are not talking about digital currency as digitizing existing ones. They are talking about a currency that is digital first and physical second. Because current currencies still have to be moved around, whether we see it or not. A digital first currency has also the benefit of not requiring banks or any institutions as the currency itself would be the institution.

The closest thing to this dream so far are cryptocurrencies.

Kev says...

You think banks are physically moving trillions of bank notes around the globe every day? They're not. Currencies are digital first these days.

I get the comment about no bank being required, but like it or not, banks give us stability because they're regulated.

06 Jun 2024 09:16

Hi!! I love your website. This design reminds me of my project for my uni portfoio lol. Keep going you inspired me to make a website as well!

Kev ❀️ this.

Rhys Wynne
21 May 2024 16:32

So I saw your computing history post. Thanks for giving me a buzz of inspiration to write my own :).

Thanks for being an inspiration. I look forward to stealing more of your ideas (with proper attribution! I'm not a complete monster!)

Kev says...

Imitation is the highest form of flattery and all that. πŸ˜‚

I think we all "steal" many design elements, whether it's deliberate or subconscious. I know I have, many times.

Batuhan Y. Yilmaz
20 May 2024 11:31

Your blog was an inspiration source for me when I started my own blogging journey and now I'm still here enjoying your great content!

Always keep up your work!

Kev ❀️ this.

Joe Gullo
15 May 2024 20:34

Love the blog and website! Keep up the good work :)

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

14 May 2024 11:29

Really love your posts about your lawnmower and garage, and the bum gun in particular cracked me up!

Kev πŸ˜‚ this.

Lewin Lenz
11 May 2024 17:37

Lewin was here :D
I like your blog, kev, and honorably added it to my rss-reader. Now I want a guestbook too!

Kev says...

Thanks Lewin. You should definitely build a guestbook - they're great fun. :)

Henrique Dias
07 May 2024 15:30

Hi Kev!

Really enjoy your website, and I'm a great fan of the recent redesign. I think the lateral navigation worked out very nicely.

Keep up the great work and the fun posts!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

01 May 2024 08:13

Thx for 512mb club!

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

Antonio Rodrigues
29 Apr 2024 15:09

Hi Kev, I enjoy reading your blog. Your website is an inspiration.

Kev ❀️ this.

28 Apr 2024 14:22

The CSS styling of this website blows me away. It's the "Paul Allen's business card" of stylings. Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a collapsible menu div. I didn't even know you could set and use CSS variables like that. Impressive. Very nice.

Kev says...

You're far too kind. Thank you so much. ❀️

Vidhu Kant Sharma
27 Apr 2024 19:37

Hello Kev!
I just wanted to say I love what you write and also your website is actually one of the most gorgeous ones I've seen! I hope you won't mind if I take some inspiration for my own website..?

Kev says...

Of course not, go for it!

Kev ❀️ this.

Matus Mastena
26 Apr 2024 11:01

Keep up the good work, and strong nerves when administering Fosstodon.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Ruben Arakelyan
24 Apr 2024 19:57

Thank you Kev for the refreshing website and your personal voice in your blog posts. You were one of the inspirations for me to create my own guestbook (as well as many other features I ripped from your site!)

Keep up the good work ✌️

Kev ❀️ this.

Cristofaro Pompermaier
19 Apr 2024 18:07

Great blog, so glad I found it.
Every week I come back to read the news.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Duőan Mitrović
19 Apr 2024 14:18

It's always a pleasure reading your blog. Your design expertise is a huge inspiration. I've picked up a few tricks here and there thanks to you. Thank you! Cheers. 🍻

Kev ❀️ this.

Gabriel Augendre
05 Apr 2024 12:38

A guestbook in 2024! What a world we live in 🀩
I appreciate your content Kev, keep it up!

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

04 Apr 2024 11:37

Your simple.css project is awesome!

Kev ❀️ this.

30 Mar 2024 22:35

It's 2024 and there are still guest books on websites. I think that's great.

It's 2024 and there are still guest books on websites. I think that's great.

I'm always happy to read new articles from you.
Best regards

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

25 Mar 2024 10:33

Love your blog posts Kev!

Kev ❀️ this.

22 Mar 2024 14:57

I like this website so much!! Great work!!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

21 Mar 2024 18:05

Nice new Layout πŸ‘. Congratulation!

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

17 Mar 2024 10:32

Hi Kev. I truly enjoy your website, found useful insights and interesting content. Definitely going to implement a guestbook in my site.

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

15 Mar 2024 14:37

Very nice, I might add one to mine too one day! I really enjoy your website!

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

08 Mar 2024 08:05

Hi Kev, I'm Rae. I discovered your blog through Manu's. I read your post, The Web is Fucked, and I really like your writing style. I look forward to poking around your website a lot more. Thanks for creating this cool little corner.
And oooo- I get to pick my own card color! fun : )

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Kurt Bestul
06 Mar 2024 11:35

Thanks for your site and for fosstodon! Hope you'll keep sharing your interests and insights.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

05 Mar 2024 08:23

Keeeeeev! Keep up the good work 😎

Omg I can choose a card colour? πŸ’›

Kev ❀️ this.

Leon Mika
03 Mar 2024 19:38

Hi Kev, I enjoyed your pen pal posts with Robb Knight last December. I also really love Simple.css. Whenever I come up with a new site, it’s the first thing I reach for. Thank you very much for both.

Kev ❀️ this.

03 Mar 2024 16:40

Hey Kev, reading your updates has poked me to put some effort into updating my own site. Just need to find the time!


Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

Michael D
01 Mar 2024 08:27

Huge fan of your blog Kev. You inspire me to put continually more effort into mine. Thank you.

Kev ❀️ this.

29 Feb 2024 18:36

Excellent blog, Kev. Been subscribed to your RSS feed since I discovered your site some months ago.

Kev ❀️ this.

Keith Millar
29 Feb 2024 18:21

Enjoy viewing your sites and following you on Mastodon

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

Esben M. Rahbek
29 Feb 2024 16:02

Thanks for inspiring me to create my own blog. It is doing wonders for my creative momentum on all fronts, by being my own small, sacred space that nobody can touch.

Kev ❀️ this.

Joost van der Schee
29 Feb 2024 12:01

Awesome... old skool fun! I read (almost) all of your posts. Keep up the good work!

Kev ❀️ this.

Adam StΓΌck
29 Feb 2024 11:37

Must sign guest book

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

29 Feb 2024 10:54

Hey Kev! Always a pleasure seeing your blog pop up in my RSS feed.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

29 Feb 2024 09:25

History has come full circle, the guest books are back ;-)

thank you for this blog, because it's a great place - good job ❀️

Kev ❀️ this.

Roberto Zoia
28 Feb 2024 23:05

Hello Kev! I've been following your blog for several years now. Always inspiring and interesting. Thanks for your work!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Adrian Cochrane
28 Feb 2024 22:22

Long time subscriber to your feed here!

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

Griffin Judy
28 Feb 2024 21:11

Keep up the good work!

Kev πŸ‘πŸ» this.

Alvan Rahimli
28 Feb 2024 20:59

Hey Kev!
It's unfortunate that I'm too young to have experienced the best times of the web, but it's interesting to see what's left of it. It has motivated me to add something similar to my website too.

Keep up the great work on your blog <3

Kev ❀️ this.

Tom Atkins
28 Feb 2024 20:02

Fair play for keeping independent web publishing fun!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Rob F
28 Feb 2024 19:50

Goodness me, guestbooks take me back 25 years or so. Makes me feel old! Great you're giving it a go.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

28 Feb 2024 15:51

Hi Kev, enjoy reading your site as well as following you over on Mastodon.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Konstantin Tutsch
28 Feb 2024 15:49

Hi, I'm just here to add a little bit of πŸ’© to your guestbook! You just wrote about that, so why not?

No seriously, love the guestbook πŸ‘Œ

Kev says...

We all need more πŸ’© in our lives.

Kev πŸ˜‚ this.

Vachan S Panicker
28 Feb 2024 15:43

Hey Kev,
I love your blog posts and have learned a lot from your posts and work. I also love simple css!
Keep up the good work

Kev ❀️ this.

Bryce Wray
28 Feb 2024 14:46

Hi, Kev. Sorry you’re dealing with the spam. :-) Hang in there, sir.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

28 Feb 2024 14:44

Love your rss feed + mastodon account
(But also your opinion on social media)


Kev ❀️ this.

28 Feb 2024 14:41

Hello, there!

Kev πŸ‘‹πŸ» this.

28 Feb 2024 14:37

Honeypots no longer work? Damn, then I'll have to come up with something else for a project.

Kev says...

The new solution is working great.

Rezha Julio
28 Feb 2024 14:33

Now I wish I have a guestbook.

Kev says...

Do it! :)

Christopher Harper
28 Feb 2024 14:27

Reading via RSS from Guam. Glad to visit the site from time to time too. Cheers.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Emanuel Pina
28 Feb 2024 14:23

This makes me feel like the 90s again, and I love it. It's possible that it's because I was a worry-free teenager. But I remember those years as simpler times. The internet was a wonderful place to learn and connect with others. Thanks for your help keeping that part of the internet alive.

Kev ❀️ this.

Harriet Franke
28 Feb 2024 11:53

Guestbook gang going strong!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Manu Moreale
28 Feb 2024 11:01

Hi, I'm Manu, and I approve this guestbook! Keep up the awesomeness Kev!

Kev says...

Thanks Manu. You inspire a lot of what I do, so thanks for being you.

Pete Moore
28 Feb 2024 10:44

More Web 1.0 vibes? Check.
Lack of surprise in seeing this from you? Also check.

It's always a pleasure to see your blog show up in my RSS feeds. More than happy to leave my mark of respect and appreciation, in the hope that others can enjoy it in theirs. Cheers to the old web, Kev!

Kev ❀️ this.

Prince Alarming(aka Doug)
28 Feb 2024 10:12

Hi Kev. Been a minute since I've been on Fossdom via Manyverse. Been a little busy between work, home life, and school. This is a cool guestbook.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Misir Jafarov
28 Feb 2024 09:41

Hi Kev, this seems cool! Thanks for inspiring us (:

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Ted Magaoay
28 Feb 2024 08:32

You're the one I'm most excited to see in my RSS feed Kev. I super like your writing style.

Kev ❀️ this.

Duőan Mitrović
28 Feb 2024 08:12

Hi Kev!

Your content convinced me to take my own blog more seriously. I might've given up otherwise. It's always fun reading your articles, especially given how diverse they are. Keep up with the good work!

Kev ❀️ this.

28 Feb 2024 08:08

Honestly, you are one of the torchbearers of the IndieWeb culture. I've been reading your blogs for 4 years if not more and it is always great to consume your content.

Confession: I tend to copy your design for my own little home on the web (sowwy :P)

Kev says...

Never be sorry for that. I've copied so much stuff from other sites. I genuinely don't think there's a unique site out there - we're all influenced by the things we like.

James Musselman
27 Feb 2024 23:47

Hello Kev! I'm enjoying all the colors! This is a cool guestbook and keep up the awesome content!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Habib Cham
27 Feb 2024 23:33

Love the diversity of blog post entries on your site. I still chuckle at your β€˜stuck in a chicken coop’ blog post.πŸ˜…

Kev πŸ˜‚ this.

Abdo Daoud
27 Feb 2024 23:19

Always enjoy reading your posts. You (among others) have inspired me to blog more as well. Keep it up!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

27 Feb 2024 23:09

Saw this in my feed reader today & had to check it out for myself. Also, Markdown: Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

Kev ❀️ this.

27 Feb 2024 23:02

I miss the good, old internet too! great idea :)

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

27 Feb 2024 22:51

This brings back memories and hopefully for anyone discovering this for the first time - πŸ‘‹!

🀞 let's hope people rediscover the joy of the web again.

Kev says...

We can but seems blogging and the small web is having a bit of a resurgence, which is fantastic to see.

Thomas Rigby
27 Feb 2024 22:32

oh hai, Kev! Nice guestbook!

Kev πŸ‘‹πŸ» this.

Ben Burbage
27 Feb 2024 22:17

Hey Kev! Enjoy reading your blog. Keeps reminding me that I really need to give mine some attention!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

27 Feb 2024 22:11

I want one!


Kev says...

So make one...they're really fun! :)

Barry Hess
27 Feb 2024 22:00

Thank you (and Manu) for encouraging me to tinker with my site. Everyone needs a guestbook, yeah?!

Kev ❀️ this.

27 Feb 2024 21:42

As if we needed another excuse to visit this delightful website!

Kev ❀️ this.

Mike Haynes
27 Feb 2024 21:17

Hey Kev, I always enjoy your writing. Excited to see guestbooks making a comeback. πŸŽ‰

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

27 Feb 2024 21:09

Hey Kev. Your work with Fosstodon and this blog are awesome. Keep it up.

Jan-Lukas Else
27 Feb 2024 20:41

Hi πŸ‘‹ I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing how your website develops πŸ™‚

Brian DeVries
27 Feb 2024 20:36

Hey Kev!

I enjoy seeing your new posts and having my viewpoints either reinforced or challenged depending on the subject πŸ‘πŸΌ

27 Feb 2024 20:22

Hey Kev! Been a big fan of the site for years. Keep up the great work!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Jarrod Blundy
27 Feb 2024 20:01

Hey buddy! Cool guestbook, great site!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Derek Carter aka Goozbach
27 Feb 2024 19:47

YAY! I love this!

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Eddie Dale
27 Feb 2024 19:26

You keep raising the bar for personal websites, Kev! Love it! Great idea to revive the classical guestbook ✌️

Kev ❀️ this.

KristΓ³fer ReykjalΓ­n
27 Feb 2024 19:17

Hello there! Love the blog Kev and miss the newsletter!
Frequently come here to check in on your design updates, those are always fun to see :)

Kev says...

Thanks KristΓ³fer. The newsletter still kinda exists, but it's only a rehash of my posts. I might reintroduce it at some point in the future.

Barry Sampson
27 Feb 2024 18:57

You're one of the bloggers who inspired me to get back to the old ways. Thank you!

Kev ❀️ this.

Alexander Welsing
27 Feb 2024 18:21

Love your blog entries! Always enjoy seeing them on my feed

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Matt Stein
27 Feb 2024 18:02

Hi Kev! Longtime fan, first-time guestbooker. I appreciate your internet website.

Kev πŸ™πŸ» this.

Mark Pitblado
27 Feb 2024 17:51

Always love reading the blog, and has inspired me to get into the ethos of the small web! I appreciate how Kev always seems down to earth in his writing.

Kev ❀️ this.

Nathan DeGruchy
27 Feb 2024 17:40

Hello Kev!

Kev says...

Hey Nathan, you're the first person to sign the guestbook, congrats. πŸ₯³

Card colour: