We Need to Talk About Kevin
Why is Kevin always the idiot or a weirdo in TV shows? Don’t believe me? Here are some examples…
My wife and I have noticed something interesting over the years. My fellow Kevins and I don’t appear to be viewed favourably by non-Kevins around the world.
When my wife and I are watching a TV program that includes an idiotic or strange character, we take bets on whether his name is Kevin.
More often than I’d like to admit, we’re right!
We need to talk about Kevin
It all started with a film called We Need to Talk About Kevin. We had no idea what it was about, but thought it would be fun to watch it. Because…you know, my name is Kevin.
He murders his whole fucking family and some kids at his school with a bow and arrow!
That’s right, Kevin is a psychopath – it’s not a fun film. Not at all, but it started to plant the seed as to how the world sees us Kevins.
Other examples of Kevin
This list is just off the top of my head, so there will definitely be more. But you can see a trend here, right?
- Kevin & Perry
- Kevin Malone (The Office)
- The big stupid bird in Disney’s Up
- Kevin the Minion
- The fat, flying pony in The Legend of Kevin
- The Koala Who Could – yep, that’s another Kevin
- Aldi’s Christmas fucking carrot is called Kevin
- Kevin James
- Kevin Hart
- Home Alone’s Kevin McAllister
- In season 1, episode 6 of Solar Opposites, there’s a chauvinist, idiotic pig who’s wife hates him. Can you guess his name?
- Kevin Can F**k Himself
- Kevin (Probably) Saves The World

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, in the case of Kevin vs the world, us Kevins rest our case.
Please, can we start diversifying the weirdos now please? What about Gerald? Or Alan? Maybe Gary?
Come on, folks. Not all of us Kevins are weird, idiotic or psychopathic…ok, some of us definitely are, but not all of us!
Update 11 Apr 22:
Thanks to the fine folks of Fosstodon, I just learned of Kevinism. A German social bias toward people with certain names, including Kevin.
Update: 12 Apr 22:
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