Calamity (Reckoners Book 3)

✍️ Written by: Brandon Sanderson
🏷 Genre: Sci-fi / fantasy
🗓 Published: 16th Feb 2016
📄 Pages: 424
🧐 My rating: ★★★☆☆ / 3 stars
Eliminating Steelheart was supposed to make life more simple. Instead, it only made David realize he has questions. Big ones. And there’s no one in Newcago who can give him the answers he needs.
He found some of those answers in FIREFIGHT. Now, he has to decide what to do with them . . .
Calamity is about what you do to fill your heart once you have vengeance.
Calamity is the third and final book in the Reckoners trilogy. I finished this a couple weeks ago, but wanted to stew on it for a while before I penned my thoughts down. That’s because I wasn’t really sure what I thought…and I’m still not.
The series as a whole was enjoyable, albeit a little juvenile at times. I didn’t like, for example, that swear (cuss) words throughout were replaced by dystopian versions. So instead of f*ck or sh*t they would say sparks and calamity.
This is a theme that also carried through the Mistborn series too, but for some reason I didn’t find it as frustrating there.
🚨 Mild spoiler alert!
Calamity ended the story that traversed the 3 books fairly well; Calamity is gone, but the book ended in such a way as to leave things open for another story to begin.
This has left things open for more books in the series, potentially. But considering this series concluded in 2016, and there’s yet to be another book released, I’m not sure Brandon Sanderson will write another *Reckoners* book.
Overall I enjoyed this book less than the other 2, but it was still a good read. The characters continued to develop well – I particularly like how Sanderson continued to develop David and Megan’s relationship. The significant change in Prof was also very interesting and very well written.
I’ve now started reading the second trilogy in the Mistborn series; Wax and Wayne. I’m around 100 pages in, but I’m struggling to invest myself in the story. It certainly hasn’t gripped me as much as Mistborn did.
Maybe it’s time for a break from Brandon Sanderson so I can read something else. There’s much more in his bibliography though, so I’ll definitely be returning.
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