I've Finally Completed 100 Days to Offload
I started the #100DaysToOffload challenge back in April 2020, but I've never been able to complete it. That has now changed. 🎉
100 posts in the space of a year doesn't sound like a lot, but it's actually very difficult to do. So much so that I've never been able to complete my own challenge, not until now, at least.
This is actually post number 99 in the last year, but if we add in all the posts I've written as part of the PenPals project I'm easily over 100 posts.
What changed?
I don't have more time; in fact, I probably have less time now than I did a year ago. So what's changed? Well, I think it's my switch to Kirby that's done it.
I switched back in September and since then I've written 58 posts. That's nearly 60% of the posts needed, in 40% of the time. Had I still been on Blot, or Jekyll, or WordPress, or something else, I don't think that would have happened.
I've mentioned Kirby's Panel before, so won't dwell on it here, but the flexibility that it offers is unprecedented for me.
Over the last 5 months I've increased my knowledge of Kirby's inner-workings and I'm now at the point where I can customise the Panel to my liking. And I have. At the back-end I effectively have a custom-built CMS that has been designed, from the ground-up, to work exactly how I want it to.

This means that I really enjoy writing content now. I look forward to logging in and writing content, and thanks to this perfect (for me) workflow, I've managed to complete the #100DaysToOffload challenge.
Yay for me, and yay for Kirby. 🎉
Want more?
So you've read this post and you're still not satisfied? Ok then, here's some other stuff for you to do: