This post is more than three years old so may contain incorrect information, or opinions I no longer hold.

Oh Freedom How I've Missed Thee!

15 Jan 2014 | ~3 minute read

Over the past 6 months or so, my blog, RefuGeeks has been growing and growing, and growing. That’s a really great thing, however it’s meant that a hell of a lot of my time has been taken up with server maintenance, website development, and of course writing content – not to mention liaising with advertisers, other writers, replying to a copious amount of emails, and of course all the other bits and bobs that go along with running any popular website.

So after lots of deep thought and discussions with my girlfriend, I decided to jump ship and sell RefuGeeks. It quickly sold as I didn’t price it to make a million bucks, just to get rid of it and cover my costs. That was in early November, and I have to say that initially I was wondering if I had made the right decision…


I soon realised that I had most definitely made the right decision. You see, I’m quite lucky in that my I only actually work for 6 months of the year (I work 4 days on, 4 days off). So I had lots of time to work on RefuGeeks. That said, towards the end I found myself being tied to my PC, slugging away at an ever growing list of things to do on the site. I could have left them to lapse, after all it’s only a blog that’s run by some bloke. But I’m not that kind of guy – I think if a job’s worth doing then it’s worth doing properly. So I wouldn’t cut corners.

After a couple of weeks of not having to manage RefuGeeks, it soon became abundantly clear that selling was the right call to make. I now have my life back again! I can get out and walk the dog, spend time with friends and family, and most importantly, I can get out on my motorbike – a lot! Since selling RefuGeeks, I’ve literally booted up my main PC 3 times, and considering it was usually never off, that’s pretty amazing.


Well, I’m going to enjoy myself. I was thinking about maybe starting another project, but I really don’t think that will happen – not any time soon at least, and definitely not as a solo venture. I have a blog on this website, so I can write here whenever I like – which probably won’t be all that often to be perfectly honest, but who knows. I also want to get fit again. In the last 2 years (since I’ve been running RefuGeeks), I’ve actually put on 3st (42lbs) in weight. I’m not saying that this is because of RefuGeeks, but I definitely have the time to train again now!

So for time being guys, this is a rejuvenated, happy, outdoorsy Kev signing off. Ride safe.

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