Selling Up & Moving On

11 Dec 2013 | ~2 minute read

Many of us work bloody hard, and in most cases, it’s too hard. So what can we do about it? Is plodding through life being permanently over worked a good thing? Of course it isn’t. So I’ve taken some steps to fix this…

As many people reading this will know, I have a full-time job with HP, a small web design company, my own blog, RefuGeeks, and a regular writing spot with MakeUseOf. With all of this going on, it’s really hard to make time for other things, such as hobbies, spending time with friends & family, and simply chilling out with the dog.

So I’ve decided to take some pretty drastic decisions. First and foremost, I’ve sold RefuGeeks. Yes, that’s right, I no longer own RefuGeeks. The new owners have taken over the site, and I now have absolutely no control over the site whatsoever. Secondly, I’ve also decided to take some leave away from MakeUseOf, as well as cutting down the amount of web design work I’m currently doing.

This means that basically, I only have my full-time job at the moment, as well as a couple of very small web projects. Working shifts were I’m in 4 days on, 4 days off will give me a lot of free time to do all of things I want to do. I my get bored, but if I do, I can always start another project.

A real weight off my shoulders

I have to say, I already feel better. Not having to worry about maintaining the RefuGeeks servers, the costs of running all of the infrastructure, and of course, writing, developing, and maintaining the site feels really, really great!

When I first started writing, I always said that as soon as my writing became a chore, I would give up. It’s now gotten to that point, so I’ve stuck to my guns, and I’m moving on.

However, this isn’t the end of my writing career, in the short-term, I’m considering re-designing this site to be a little more blog-centric, I’m also going to start thinking about what my next project will be. One thing is for sure though, I won’t be taking on another project on my own, I will most definitely be doing the next one as part of a team.

Do you have any ideas that I might be interested in? Feel free to contact me, and we can look to maybe work on something together in the future. In the meantime though, I’m gonna go and enjoy life. See ya…

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