Notes are my shorter posts; kinda like my own little microblog. They have their own RSS feed and are automatically syndicated to my social profiles.
I nipped out on one of the bikes earlier for coffee with friends. I just finished mowing one of the fields, and the paths in the other field. Now I'm cleaning my fish tank out and listening to a 90's "smash hits" playlist.
I have zero regrets for listening to such a playlist. This is what Sundays were made for. ❤️
There's me, resizing and reformatting all my images like some kind of caveman, when all it needed was 4 lines of code in a @getkirby blueprint to automate the whole thing. 🤦♂️
width: 1200
crop: false
format: webp
Traffic is terrible round here...

As a "senior leader" I make decisions all day, every day. That's my job. But do you know what my hardest daily decision is?
It's whether or not to go for a piss before I go to sleep. Do I get out of my nice warm bed now and do my "final wee", or do I stay comfy and run the gauntlet of potentially needing a piss in the night?
I ran the gauntlet last night, folks, and now I'm tired thanks to -- you guessed it -- needing a piss around 3am. 😂
Getting old is shit.
I've been looking at #analytics providers, and I don't get why they limit on pageview numbers. It's so arbitrary.
Like, it's double the price for the difference between 10k and 100k visits, but we're actually just talking about a couple more MB of data in a database somewhere.
It's bollocks. Why can't there be a provider that's like "yeah, it's $5/m for whatever visits you get. It's all the same to us."
(there may be a such a provider, but I'm not aware of them)
I think this is the first time in the history of my site that I've been truly happy with how it all looks and works. I'm so proud of the design, and Kirby is just glorious to use. It's completely customised to my needs, from the ground up.
Me: Oh, I have a spare half hour, I think I'll put the XBox on and play some COD.
XBox: No, no, no, sunshine. You haven't turned me on for months so you have to do these 3 updates first...
Me: 🤦♂️
New homepage, who dis?
There’s a lot to be said for a 6am walk in the field with the dogs (the cat came too) and a cup of coffee.
Everything is so quiet at that time; just the sounds of various animals doing their thing. Birds, sheep, cows, chickens.

Ooooooooo new #watch day is always fun. This is my new #Spinnaker Spence that I got for an absolute steal from the Spinnaker site. Can't decide if I prefer the bracelet or the blue leather strap though?

Wife: Your 40th birthday is coming up, what do you want for it?
Me: A watch!
Her: Really?! You have loads of them!
Me: So?
There's one I've been saving for her to get me as a gift. To say that I'm now excited is an understatement. Not gonna say what it is yet, but I cannot wait to get it on my wrist.
Also bought another watch last night. I think this means I need to probably sell a couple again...
My wife and I “upgraded” to our fancy-pants new memory foam mattress this weekend, but neither of us are sleeping well. I hope it gets better as we get used to it. 😳
My kids (well, let’s be honest, my wife) know I’m a greedy bastard and got me this for #FathersDay.
I think I win Father’s Day, right?
(and yes, some of the donuts are gone already 😂)

Been after a petrol strimmer for a while, but didn’t want to pay a stupid amount for one.
Found a non-running one for free locally. Wasn’t running because of perished fuel lines. £6 in parts and the thing is now running great. 😂

I just logged into #LinkedIn (something I do very rarely) and this is what I was greeted with. Like, seriously, how the fuck is this even usable? Maybe it's time to delete my account...

Apologies if you subscribe to my Watch Log feed. I just pushed a change to it that fixed a small problem, but that problem was with the guids, so feed readers think everything in it is new.
Sorry again. 🙃
Me: This year, I'm gonna get that field looking like a bloody lawn, and I'm gonna cut paths into the other field like a big maze.
Wife: You're a dreamer, Quirk! The grass is far too long for you to cut paths and you're never going to get a FIELD looking like a LAWN.
Me: Hold my beer...

Netlify, Vercel, Cloudflare Pages, GitHub Pages, Oracle Free Tier…does all this “free” hosting make anyone else uneasy? No? Just me then? 🫣
I'm so ready for the weekend. One more meeting to go...