iOS Mail Is Shite

27 Feb 2025 | ~2 minute read

I fell foul of a phish, thanks to the shitty iOS Mail app.

I got up this morning and checked my emails. In there was a couple of emails saying that sending privileges had been restricted on a couple of mailboxes we have setup on Fosstodon. Here's what the email looked like:

iOS Mail Phish

As you can see, the email simply came from "Zoho". I figured someone had made a complaint as we get a lot of email to these addresses. I (stupidly) clicked the button and logged into my account.

It wasn't until I'd entered my credentials and saw a spinning wheel that looked out of place for the Zoho login screen it clicked - this is a phishing site. I should have known when my password manager hadn't picked up the URL for a login.

Here's the same email from my desktop Mail app:

Mac Mail Phish

Yup, definitely a phish. FFS.

I have multi-factor on my account and the password was unique, but I immediately reset my password anyway. Thank goodness for password managers.

The problem here is that the iOS mail app hides the sender's email away behind a couple of taps. It's fucking stupid and actually helps these scammers.

I can't see an option to change this in the iOS Mail app's settings. To reiterate, it's fucking stupid!

I think I'm going to start looking for another mail app for my phone. Any recommendations, folks?

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← The one before
Thanks For The Emails

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