Notes are my shorter posts; kinda like my own little microblog. They have their own RSS feed and are automatically syndicated to my social profiles.
[Picking kids up from school...]
Me: So what did you do today boys?
Youngest: I wrote about black heroes.
Me: Oh, that's cool. Who did you write about?
Oldest: Was it Batman?
He wrote about Nelson Mandela, for those who are interested.
My wife is now searching "can chickens go out in deep snow". I assume she fears they're going to spontaneously freeze as soon as they step outside of their coop.
... they're little dinosaurs, I think they'll be fine!
Certain parts of the UK have had some snow. We've had about 4", apparently up by the kids school has had a foot.
This obviously means that the UK has gone full Mad Max and everything is closed.

I've been playing with #Vivaldi the last few days - now I'm getting to grips with it, I'm pretty impressed. I think this might stick for me and replace #Firefox.
I'm getting sick of hearing everyone's hot take on Bluesky, just like I got sick of hearing everyone's hot take on Mastodon a couple years ago.
Watched the Tyson vs Paul fight this morning. Utter shite. Tyson shouldn't be fighting at his age, and it showed.
I suppose he was a paid a shit tonne of money though, so that's something. 🤷🏼♂️
Last day in Florida today. It's been a long week and I'm looking forward to getting home.
But don't worry, America, I'll be in New York in January. 😏
I upgraded to MacOS Sequoia last night. This morning I had a popup explaining some of the new feature.
STOP THE PRESS! MacOS finally has window's finally caught up to Windows 7. 🤦♂️

Was searching for something and I clicked on a Sun link (🤢). Anyway, I got this popup. What the actual fuck, we now have to pay to be able to reject cookies??

Beautiful sky when I came home this evening.

I just realised that today is the 2 year anniversary of our move to our little Welsh smallholding. How time flies...
Our chickens have half a stable that I partitioned for them. I even insulated it!
Chickens come in at night and are like “nah, we’re good on this tiny ledge right by the open door. Cheers though. 👍”

FFS #Mozilla, what are you doing?
Say it with me folks…
To “fix the internet” we don’t need more ads, we need you guys to come up with more diverse revenue streams. Like, I dunno, making great products and charging for them? 🤯
I've just discovered baby hippos and they're my new favourite thing.

How to make yourself sound like an absolute wanker in a single sentence:
Lee is a managing director of a $102B private equity firm, he is probably richer than me. (Though I doubt he gives back as much.)
Well done, Matt. You continue to make yourself look like an utter tosser.
First fire of the year. 🥶🔥🔥

When I was in the USA recently, I’d get laughs every time I pulled my phone out (not very often as I hardly use it). It’s an #iPhone 13 Mini and everyone commented on how they’ve never seen one, how cute it is, and would ask how I use something so small.
Are smaller phones really that rare in the States? 🤷♂️
Ahhhhh shit, he found us. 😂😂

Tia and I are sharing peanut butter pretzels.
Shhhhh Sid hasn’t noticed yet. 🤫

The dogs hate being walked in the rain. ☔️