Fat Boy at 40 - Update 04 (The Christmas Aftermath)

09 Jan 2024 | ~1 minute read

So Christmas has come and gone in a flash. There was much eating, drinking and merriment, but what impact did that have on my *Fat Boy at 40* challenge?

Just before Christmas, I let you know that I was making great progress and had managed to drop my weight from 110.9kg to 102.9kg.

Great stuff!

But then Christmas hit and things obviously went to rat shit. I ate too much, drank too much, and didn't move enough. I knew I was going to put on weight over Christmas, and that's fine. It's what I do now that's important.

So anyway, I hopped on the scales this morning with "if I come in at less than 106kg, I'll be happy" in my mind.

I'm happy to report that I did come in under 106kg...just:

Original Current
Weight 110.9kg (244lbs) 105.8kg (232lbs)
BMI 31.4 29.9

So I'm back up to the same weight I was at the end of November. But that's fine. We're back to it now - eating more healthy, moving more and back to my usual routine.

I've realised during this process that routine is extremely important to me. Without it, things go to shit pretty quickly. God help me when I retire! :)

Hopefully it will be better news at the end of January, but we shall see...

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