Things That Make Me Happy

14 Jun 2024 | ~3 minute read

I saw this post from Dave Rupert asking what makes people happy. I answered it quickly, but figured it would be good to share more.

I've been in a bit of a slump lately. Work has been..."challenging" and things are busy at home, so I've had very little time for me. When the chips are down, I'm the kind of the person that tends to focus on the negatives and ultimately make their mood worse. I'm pretty good at pulling other people out of a bad place, but I'm really bad at doing it for myself.

Anyway...seeing Dave's post and quickly replying, I realised things aren't as bad as they seem - there's lots of things in my life that I enjoy. So I thought I'd write a longer post here with more of the things that make me happy.

Here we go...

Clearly there's a lot for me to be happy about, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Next time I feel myself going into one of my slumps, I'm going to pull this post up and give it a read.

What makes you happy? Email me using the button below, or better yet, write a reply on your blog.

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