Stuck in the Chicken Coop πŸ˜‚

28 Sep 2023 | ~1 minute read

This evening, while my wife was putting the kids to bed, she asked me if I'd go and check on the chickens as it was getting dark. Being the dutiful husband that I am, I trotted off up the field to make sure they were all settled down for the evening and that they were safe.

While I was checking on them, the door to the coop blew shut and inadvertently dropped one of the bolts that locks the door...those bolts are on the outside of the coop. I was on the inside of it.

Luckily for me, I had my phone with me, so was able to phone my wife for help. She came and set me free...eventually.

Since I had my phone with me, and I was waiting for my wife to (eventually) save me, I decided to shoot a little video of the situation. Here's that video... πŸ˜‚

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