I Want to Strangle Him...Sometimes

18 Oct 2024 | ~1 minute read

I love my sons, but my goodness there are times I want to strangle them. Then, sometimes, they show us why it's worth it.

Our youngest son is the perfect age to start pushing our buttons by constantly challenging us and generally being a little shit. We went through it with our oldest, and now we're starting to go through it with our youngest too.

It's a roller-coaster. Sometimes I want to kill him, other times he makes me belly laugh. Lately he's been really pushing our buttons and as a result there's been far more "I want to kill that kid" than "awwww isn't he funny though".

Last night we had a particularly challenging night. He was just a prick the entire time, and flat out refused to do a lot of what we asked him to do. Needless to say, there was lots of shouting.

Then I got to my home office this morning and this note was on my desk:

A multi-coloured message from my son with lots of kisses, that reads "I love you Dad"

OK, maybe he isn't a total prick. ❤️

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