How Much Does It Cost to Charge My EV for a Month?

05 Aug 2024 | ~2 minute read

Back in June I wrote about whether I've saved money by switching to an EV. But I charge my car at work quite a lot, so how much does it actually cost to charge my EV For a month?

I ended the previous post by saying:

Next month (July) I'm going to charge the MG only at home to give me a better idea of what it would cost if I didn't have the ability to charge at work. I think that will be an interesting comparison for people who don't have that ability.

So that's what I did. For July 2024, I charged my car solely at home to give me a proper picture of what it costs to run it. July turned out to be a good month to test too, as I did lots of driving - including a run to the airport and back.

It's around a 45 mile (1 hour) drive to the airport and I still had 44% battery left when I got back, and that's after the car had sat there for 3 days too. Range anxiety my arse.

The numbers

Over the course of July, I charged my car 6 times. I have a smart meter at home, so was able to accurately measure the exact amount of energy (kWh) I consumed per charge. I then converted it to pounds sterling, based on the energy tariff I have at home.

Here's the breakdown of what my charging looked like for July 2024:

02 July 06 July 08 July 11 July 19 July 26 July
kWh 29.19 28.42 10.65 28.33 35.87 35.70
Cost £2.48 £2.42 £0.91 £2.41 £3.05 £3.03

Total cost: £14.29 (~$18.25)

A few people have asked how much it would have been to charge if I didn't get the cheap EV rate for electricity overnight. Based on the usage above, it would have cost me £41.24 ($52) at full price (24.53 pence/kWh instead of 8.5 pence/kWh).

Considering my Land Rover would cost around £100 (~$128) to fill up, and that would last me 2 weeks if I was lucky, the EV is way cheaper than burning liquidised dinosaurs.

I continue to be really impressed with my EV and have absolutely no regrets buying it.

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