Ending the PenPals Experiment

08 Aug 2024 | ~1 minute read

I've decided to end my PenPals experiment. It's been 9 months, and it's been a lot of fun, but it's time for it to end.

I've met lots of great people during this process, but unfortunately personal circumstances mean that I need to start limiting how much I take on in terms of personal projects.

I recently had a promotion in work, and it means I have less free time in my evenings. What time I do have, I obviously want to spend with my family. So something had to give. With that, I'm going to be cleaning things up around here and limiting what I produce.

I'll still write notes and posts regularly, but I think the cadence will likely drop a little. I'm also going to get rid of the "One a month" thing, as it's never really sat well with me, and I don't want to be accountable to other people and feel like I owe them a post. I know those people won't feel that way, but it's how I feel.

TL;DR I'm simplifying things a little. Not much though, just a little.

If you were on the list to be a PenPal in the future, I'm sorry, but I need to claw back some of this limited free time I have.

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