Fat Boy at 40 - Update 05

13 Feb 2024 | ~2 minute read

My journey to stop being a fat boy by the age of 40 continues. I'm 6 months in, so let's see how we're doing...

Cast your mind back to January, dear reader. The Christmas aftermath had hit and I'd upped my weight from 102.9kg to 105.8kg.

Like I said last time, I knew I was going to put on weight over Christmas, and it's fine. But since then, my wife reminded that the day before that 102.9kg weigh-in I'd effectively fasted for around 36 hours as I'd been out the night before and had the hangover from hell. Because of that, I think the 102.9kg wasn't a true representation of my weight at the time.

Anyway, I put on weight over Christmas regardless. Since then I've jumped back on the wagon and my weight continues to steadily drop. As of this morning, here's how we're looking:

Original Current
Weight 110.9kg (244lbs) 103kg (226lbs)
BMI 31.4 29.1

So I'm only 100 grams above that 102.9kg weigh-in before Christmas, and that was after a long fast. I'm chuffed with that!

This brings my total weight loss in the last 6 months to 7.9kg (17.4lbs). More importantly, I'm within touching distance of my 100kg target. Considering I've lost nearly 8kg in the past 6 months, I'm confident I'll be able to lose the other 3 in the coming 6 months.

If I can get down to my stretch goal of 95kg, that would be absolutely amazing. We shall see...

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