Emma Mattresses Are Crap

09 Oct 2024 | ~3 minute read

My wife and I recently bought an Emma Mattress, but it's since gone back because, frankly, it's shite.

If you've never heard of Emma Mattresses, they're a UK based company that supplies fancy pants memory foam mattresses.

They're very expensive, but they offer a 200 day money back guarantee on their mattresses, so a few months ago my wife and I took a punt and bought one.

Initially I thought it was very nice - it was supportive, moulded to my body, and both my wife and I couldn't feel it when the other person was shifting about in bed. Good times!

Over summer it was a little uncomfortable because memory foam mattresses tend to absorb more body heat, so are generally warmer to sleep in. As someone who likes it cold when they sleep, this was annoying for me.

Anyway, that's not what makes Emma Mattresses crap, oh no dear reader. What makes them crap is that after a couple months, it was like sleeping in the fucking Himalayas. There was a ditch on either side of the bed where we sleep, and what can only be described as the bed equivalent of Everest in the middle. It got so bad that it felt like I was sleeping on a slope.

Now I'm not the smallest guy in the world, but I'm not grossly obese either. I'm 6' 3" (190cm) and my weight hovers around 100-105kg (220-230lbs). So I'm a big guy, but hardly the kind of person that needs a special bed, or two airline seats!

My wife is small. I don't know what her weight is, but she's a UK size 8. So that should give you an idea of how small she is (that's a size 4 in the US, I believe). So she definitely doesn't need a special bed!

Returning the Emma mattress

After a month or so of sleeping at base camp 2, we got sick of it and decided to take Emma up on their 200 day money back guarantee. Luckily we hadn't got rid of our old mattress yet, so we were fine.

Honestly, I wasn't holding out much hope. I was expecting them to try and wriggle out of it, but credit to the folks at Emma, the process was painless and a few days later 2 guys came to collect the mattress.

I asked the guys whether they get a lot of these returns and to my surprise they responded with "all the time. We get at least 3 of them a day." Then preceded to show me 5 more in the van. They also said that customers, like me, generally report them as being shite and having a ditch.

Anyway, they picked up the mattress and within the hour I had the refund back in my account, which was pretty cool and probably indicative of being such a well tested process.

I've since learned that they sell second hand mattress on the Emma store too. I assume it's because they have so many of them hanging about the gaff. Reconditioned or not, I don't think I would want to sleep on a mattress that someone else has slept in for potentially 200 days. 🤢

So we're back on old mattress for the time being. I ended up buying a memory foam mattress topper from Amazon for around £100 and it now feels just as comfortable as the Emma did, sans ditch. I think we'll need a new mattress soon, but I'm not sure if I want to splurge on another memory foam jobby.

Do any of you fine people have any recommendations? I'm all about getting a good night sleep, so recommendations would be fab. In the meantime my recommendation would be to steer clear of Emma Mattresses if you're thinking of getting one.

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