The Small Web ♥️ Blogrolls

04 Apr 2024 | ~2 minute read

I've had my own Blogroll for a while now, but I'm seeing them start to pop up all over the small web, and it's glorious.

I'm not going to insult your intelligence by talking about what a blogroll is. Fact is, if you've clicked on this post, you likely know what one is and I hate it when posts explain what something is at the beginning. Anyway, that's a post for another day...


Blogrolls are a fantastic way of discovering personal blogs. If you're on a blog that you enjoy, the likelihood is that the person writing the blog probably enjoys similar content as you. So if they have a blogroll, you're likely to enjoy at least some of their recommendations.

As a result of this meandering discovery, my RSS reader currently sports nearly 200 blogs and I spend more time there, reading interesting posts, than on Mastodon. It's bloody great.

So to see more and more people adding blogrolls to their sites is pure joy to me. It allows me to trawl the Internet like the days of old.

Anyway, here's some fellow bloggers who have blogrolls on their site:

If you have a blog that doesn't have a blogroll, please consider adding one, as it's great for discovery. Finally, if you wanna peruse my blogroll, here's the linky-link:

Read My Blogroll →

If you have a blogroll, drop me an email using the button below and I'll add it to this list.

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