OwnCloud is Awesome

04 Feb 2013 | ~1 minute read

I’ve been on the hunt for a valid replacement to Dropbox for quite some time now. Dropbox is expensive, Ubuntu One is unreliable and Google Drive doesn’t have a linux client.

I researched pretty much every possible candidate; Wuala, SugarSync, Spider Oak, Bitcasa etc etc etc but they either lacked features, were just as expensive as Dropbox or were missing fundamental feature. After a while I came across OwnCloud and it’s brilliant!

OwnCloud allows you to host your own “Dropbox” server so that you can sync to all your devices. Like Dropbox is clients for all the major operating systems including the mobile ones and it’s free & open source. So, I converted a spare machine to an Ubuntu server LAMP box and set it all.

I’ve now pretty much finished migrating from Dropbox to OwnCloud and everything is great. I have 400+GB of space on my cloud (I’m only limited by the space of the hard drive) and it hasn’t cost me a penny….and never will!

I’m going to be writing a setup guide on main tech blog over the next few days. If you want to check it out then keep an eye on RefuGeeks. OwnCloud really is awesome and I urge anyone thinking of moving from Dropbox or similar to DO IT NOW!

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