My Typical Day

15 Jan 2021 | ~3 minute read

I've seen posts from a number of people describing what a typical day looks like for them. Before reading the posts, I thought a post about My Typical Day would be mundane and uninteresting. But having a glimpse into how people work and stay productive is really interesting to me.

So, in case anyone has the same stalker mentality as myself, here's what a typical working day looks like for me:

⏰ 06:30 - My alarm starts squawking and it's time to get up (assuming the kids haven't woken us up already).

🚿 07:00 - Time to hop in the shower and get some of that stink off me!

β˜• 07:20 - It's coffee time!

πŸš— 07:30 - If I'm working from home I'll spend some time with my wife and kids before starting work. If I'm in the office, I hop in the car (or motorbike is it's a nice day) and commute in.

🏒 08:00 - I either head upstairs to my study, or by this time I'm in the office and ready to get cracking.

🀝 08:30 - My first meeting is usually at 08:30, which is a handover from our team in Singapore.

πŸ“’ 09:00 - Is the InfoSec teams' standing meeting where we share what each team has been working on over the last day. It's a great way to collaborate, debate risk and assess any potential business impacting issues.

πŸ—£οΈ 09:30 - 12:00 - The rest of my morning tends to consist of a mixture of meetings with my various teams, 1:1 meetings (which are the most important meetings I attend), management meetings, or (God forbid) response bridges if we have a significant InfoSec issue that requires my input.

🍲 12:00 - 13:00 - This is usually when I try to take lunch, but to be honest, that's very rare. I usually just eat at my desk and multi-task.

πŸ—£οΈ 13:00 - 16:00 - Since I work for Bank of America and I'm in the UK, my afternoons tend to be more meeting heavy. These meetings tend to be strategic and business focused.

🏠 16:00 - 16:30 - Time to sign off, and if I'm working from the office, commute home. This can sometimes slip if there's something urgent that needs my attention.

🍽 17:00 - Family dinner. This is very important to us. We always try to ensure we have our dinner at the table, as a family. It's a good time where we all catch up on the events of the day.

πŸ›€ 18:00 - It's bath-time for the kids, so they can wash their (much worse) stink off! My wife has usually had the kids for a fair proportion of the day by this point, so bath-time is my job.

πŸ›Œ 19:00 - Story and bed for the kids. My wife does one kid, I do other - we swap around daily.

πŸ• 19:30 - I take the dog out for a walk. This is my time to relax, usually with a podcast or some music.

πŸ›‹ 20:30 - My wife and I have a cuppa (or a beer), we have our daily β€œparent de-brief” and usually watch some TV. Or, just sit and talk. If I need to, I catch up on work stuff here too.

πŸ› 22:30 - Bedtime for my wife and I. We're both usually knackered by this point, so we head off to bed ready to do it all again the next day!


Here's links to the My Typical Day posts of others that I have found interesting - Chris Coyier, Dave Rupert and Colin Devroe.

If you found this interesting, why not think about publishing a My Typical Day post on your own blog. If you do, please let me know.

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