My First Wet Shave in 15 Years
I've been thinking about a return to wet shaving for a while now, so recently took the plunge and had my first wet shave for 15 years.
I haven't had a wet shave since I was in the Army, and I left the Army in 2009. Since then, I've always used a beard trimmer and simply trimmed my stubble a few times per week.
I've been thinking about going back to it as the unkept "designer stubble" look isn't great for a man approaching 40. Plus, I just wanted to try something new. 🤷♂️
Initially I thought about getting a modern, plastic razor, like a Gillette or Wilkinson Sword, but then I saw how much the bloody blades are - they're like £27 ($30) for ten!
So I scrapped that idea and started to look for alternatives. I've always liked the idea of an old school style, single blade razor, especially since a pack of one hundred blades is around £5.
I bought myself a little shaving kit, which included a razor (obviously), 100 blades, some shaving balm, a badger hair brush and a foaming bowl. All of this cost me around £50 ($60).

If I wanted to buy a modern razor, like the Gillette Fusion 5 with 100 blades, that would have cost me £220 ($260)!
First shave
I had my first shave with it today, and it was fine. It's a nice, close shave, there's very little irritation and the shaving cream smells gorgeous. I also really enjoyed the little routine of lathering up the foam and having a shave.
I always assumed that modern (plastic, multi-blade) razors were superior, mainly because newer is better, right? Wrong. This little setup gives a shave any Sergeant Major would have been happy with, it costs way less and produces hardly any waste...there's actually no disposable plastic on the razor, or the blades.
Very impressed overall. Plus, I look 10 years younger...honest! 😂
Want more?
So you've read this post and you're still not satisfied? Ok then, here's some other stuff for you to do: