It's all Gone Quiet Over Here

16 Oct 2022 | ~1 minute read

Just a quick post to say that I’m still alive, but *very* busy. I haven’t posted in a little bit because I’ve been so busy.

I’ve got some personal stuff going on, as well as a family, a busy job and a house move. Hopefully the sale will complete in a couple days from this post going live and normal service will resume. Pinky promise.

I’ve got a tonne of stuff on the back-burner that I want to write about, I’m even thinking about starting an entirely new blog about watch collecting. I just need to decide whether to base it on Jekyll, Hugo or WordPress…then inevitably change my mind 1000 times. 🙃

So watch this space (see what I did there) for updates on that.

Anyway, I’m still around, I’m just really busy. I’ll be back online and writing more of my drivel in the next few weeks. Stay safe and and I’ll see you fine people soon!

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The Casio F-91W Is the Best Smartwatch

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The Time My Nan Bought Me a Baby-G Watch

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