It's All Very Narcissistic, Right?

21 May 2024 | ~1 minute read

So yesterday I published a post about logging which watches I wear. It's been a fun little coding challenge for me, and I'm proud of myself. But there's always someone who has to piss on your parade.

In response to that post, I received an email that said:


I read your post on logging your watch wearing. Don't you think it's a little narcissistic? I mean who wants to know which watch you wear, really?

-- Reply guy

Yep, you're absolutely right, Mr Reply Guy. However, if there's ever a place where I can be narcissistic on the internet, it's my site. Plus, the log isn't really for other people. If they find it useful then great, but the main point of that tool is for me to track my watch wearing.

I think a year from now it will be cool to see which watches I've been wearing the most, and which I'm not really wearing.

Anyway, feel free to get back under your bridge, Reply Guy. 👍

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