24 Jun 2024 | ~1 minute read

I read this post during my lunch break and found myself nodding along with what Manu had wrote.

Like Manu, I had read Nicolas' post about removing his blog from Google and I came away feeling that doing something so drastic is like cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Manu gives a couple of alternative solutions in his post. He says:

I guess there are only two options left:

  1. Accept the fact that some dickheads will do whatever they want because that’s just the world we live in
  2. Make everything private and only allow actual human beings access to our content

I think he's right. They're the only options I can think of too, and having considered my options over the last few weeks, I think I'm gonna go with option 1.

Is it ideal? Nope. But in lieu of a better solution, I'm just gonna continue doing my thing without worrying about it too much. Unfortunately there's dickheads in all walks of life, including the Internet.

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Did Switching to an EV Save Me Money?

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The Forgetting Moon

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