Building Cool Shit

24 Apr 2024 | ~2 minute read

I see so many cool indie projects that have been made by really talented developers, and I'm very jealous!

The internet, or more specifically, the small web seems to be awash with cool projects. Whether it's Robb with EchFeed tool, Vincent with Tinylitics and Scribbles, or Herman with Bearblog.

There's a tonne more examples I can think of off the top of my head. But all these projects have one thing in common; they all make me jealous.

I wish I had the skills of Robb, Vincent, Herman and their ilk, where I could just say "you know what, I'm gonna build this [thing]" then go build something great.

Me, on the other hand, I'm like "you know what, I'm gonna change the hover effect on this div". Not exactly the same, is it? 😂

Don't get me wrong, the tiny bit of knowledge I have about this stuff brings me joy. It allows me to piss around with my site, but I'm not in the same league as these people. I wish I was though; it would be so, so cool to just go away and build a vision that I have.

Perfect example, I have what I think is a pretty good idea for something I want to create, but I don't have the knowledge to do it. So short of paying a developer thousands of pounds to do it for me, that idea will never see the light of day. 😔

Could I go away and learn how to code? Sure. But the problem is, I'm poor on time. There just aren't enough hours in the day, so I don't think I'd ever be able to invest the time needed to learn something like that.

If I had my time again, knowing what I know now, I'd probably go down the development route. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my career and I've been very successful so far, but it's not a passion for me. It's still a job.

Anyway, there's no real point to this post. No profound takeaway at the end - is there ever? It's just something that's been floating around my grey matter. If you're one of these people who can take an idea and build something with it, I'm in awe of you.

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