Work to Live, Don’t Live to Work

15 Feb 2025 | ~3 minute read

I've always been a firm believer in this saying, and I've always tried to stick to it. But recently, things have flipped and it's killing me.

Around 6 months ago I took a promotion in work. It was a big step up for me as I went from leading the global operations part of an organisation, to leading the whole organisation.

This has been a steep learning curve for me, and honestly, I don't know how well I'm going in the role. My manager tells me I'm doing a good job, but it doesn't feel like it to me.

To me it feels like I'm constantly playing catch-up. Constantly missing things. Constantly on the back foot. It can be miserable.

Having a global team means I regularly work long hours too. Which is fine, and par for the course when it comes to working in ops. But recently it's flipped from regularly to mostly.

I work for an American company, so my working day is usually afternoon and evening heavy. So I'm missing crucial time with my kids.

This week I was away on a business trip. I got back last night and my wife sat me down to have a talk. She said something along the lines of...

Kev, you're working far too many hours, we can all see that you're really stressed and I feel like I'm losing you.

Ok, that was a wakeup call.

I've always said to the various teams that I've run over the years "work to live, don't live to work". Many people think this means putting the least amount of effort in possible, but it doesn't.

To me it means that when you're working, you're there, you're present and you do the best job you can. But you need time away from work for what's most important - living your life. If you're working long hours, too stressed, too tired, too anxious. What's the point?

I'm not taking that time at the moment, and it's now affecting my family too.

So what now?

Honestly, I have no idea. Maybe I need to start looking for a new, less stressful job? Maybe I take a step back down to the level I was at previously? Maybe I just stick it out and see if things improve?

I need to think about it. I don't want to leave the company I work for. They've been very good to me and the team I work with is fantastic.

I think I'm going to speak to some of my friends in work to get some advice, then decide what to next.

I miss reading to my kids. I miss laughing with my wife. I miss playing with the dogs. I miss

Something has to give.

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