Windows 11 Is Shite

27 Aug 2024 | ~2 minute read

I recently had the pleasure of being upgraded to Windows 11 in work, and it's utterly shite.

I've been on Windows 11 on my work laptop for a few weeks now, and I'm hating it more and more with every day of use. It ultimately boils down to the 3 issues:

  1. Inconsistent UI / UX
  2. Horrendous colours for alerts
  3. Poor performance

Inconsistent UI / UX

Sometimes it's dark when it should be light, other times it's the reverse. Sometimes it uses the modern icon set, other times it looks like it's straight outta Windows XP.

Sometimes you have to go into settings to find something, other times it's control panel.

Why is control panel still a thing, people?

Horrendous colours for alerts

If it were my personal machine, this alone would be a deal breaker for me. If an open app has a notification in Windows 11, it's nigh on impossible to see the thing. There's almost zero contrast, here, see for yourself:

Windows 11 icons example
The snipping tool has a notification here, in case you can't see it...

I've tried all kinds of colour combinations and I just can't get something that can be easily seen. I can't count the amount of notifications I've missed in work because of this stupid fucking colour.

Like, how the hell did that shit pass accessibility testing??

Poor performance

Windows 10 was fine on my work laptop, which is a high performance HP Elitebook with really good specs. But now it feels slow and lethargic.

Boot up seems to take an age to get to a desktop environment that's usable. Now yeah, this is a corporate machine with a shit load of stuff running in the background, but it was fine in Windows 10 a few weeks ago, so the fact remains, Windows 11 isn't as performance at 10, for me.

Final thoughts

All in all, Windows 11 is bag of shit. That's it, that's my final thought. I'm glad I run a Mac at home.

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