Why Do Kids Lie?

12 Sep 2024 | ~1 minute read

Why do kids think they can get away with the most ridiculous of lies? Sometimes it's funny, but other times I want to strangle them!

So the a couple evenings ago my wife and I were sitting in the kitchen having a chat after dinner, as we often do. We had sent the kids upstairs to start getting ready for bed, which includes:

All very simple. After 15 minutes or so, our youngest came down in his pyjamas and announced that he was ready for bed. The conversation went something like this:

I'm ready for bed!

Have you had a shower?


But your hair isn't wet, are you sure you've had a shower?

Yesssssssssss. I dried it.

But you still have your socks on from today?

I put them back on.

Mate. I'm starting to get cross now, because I think you're lying to me. This is your last chance to be honest. Did. You. Have. A. Shower?

...............no. 🥺

Get upstairs and have a shower. NOW!

Little shit. 🤣

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