Thinking about a New Layout
I've been thinking about making some changes to the layout of this site, but I'm on the fence. What do you think of these mockups?
I like the menu that I use on this site, but it does take a lot of space up, especially on mobile. So I've been ruminating on what I can do to improve things.
Then I had a bit of an epiphany...generally speaking, screens these days have much more horizontal space than vertical space. So why not make use of that?
I started having a think and threw together these mockups that effectively convert current site's header to a sidebar:

The problem here would be that I'd need to change the layout on mobile, as they obviously have very little horizontal space. I'd probably switch to a hamburger menu for mobile, but implementing one that doesn't use JavaScript can be a bit "hacky".
So what do we think, folks? Is a sidebar weird? Is it a good idea? Or do you have any better ideas? Please let me know by using the reply button below.
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So you've read this post and you're still not satisfied? Ok then, here's some other stuff for you to do: