✍️ Written by: Brian Lee Durfee
🏷️ Genre: Fantasy
🗓️ Published: 29 Novemeber 2022
📄 Pages: 1088
🧐 My rating: ★★★☆☆ (3 stars)
In the age of belief, magic is a myth. But when an apocalyptic crusade comes to the remote border of Gul Kana, that belief is shattered as is the tenuous peace that held the Five Isles together. Now, the prophecies that were used to justify this war are unravelling revealing a hidden agenda while the world lies in the wake of the degradations of this war.
But a slim skein of hope resides within the hidden truths, long kept secret, and scattered throughout the isles--truths less reliant upon prophecy than heroism, and great sacrifice.
Not everything is as it seems in this epic, long-awaited conclusion to trilogy which Booklist raved as "high fantasy in the vein of Stephen R. Donaldson or David Eddings, with generous helpings from George R. R. Martin."
I've enjoyed this series of epic fantasy novels, but my god they were a long read. The story twists and turns, but culminates in this final book of the trilogy.
I think Durfee wrapped up the various storylines rather well; it certainly didn't leave me wanting for more, which is a nice change as I find that most of the series I read tend to leave the story open just in case the author decides to add to the series. I didn't get that impression here.
Overall a good series to read, but it will probably take you a while.
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