17 Jan 2025 | ~1 minute read

I've been catching up on the unread items in my RSS reader over the last few weeks, and this one from Keenan is from alllllllll the way back in May (yeah, the backlog is real).

Anyway, as with a lot of Keenan's posts, this one went on all kinds of wonderful tangents. I have some thoughts on the sexuality side of their post, but that's a post for another day that I'll probably never write as it's a bit too personal for me, I think.

Where was I? Oh yeah, pop music. Fuck those guys. I love all kinds of music, including pop music. I mean "pop" is literally short for "popular" sooooo, you know? πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

I used to get a lot of shit in school for loving Hero by Enrique Inglesias. I played the shit out of that song everywhere I could. I too got the "this is such a gay song" shit. But I fucking love that song, even today. Along with lots of other pop music, rock music, country music, metal, folk, and goodness knows what else.

So yeah, fuck those guys and read Keenan's post. πŸ™ƒ

Oh and for the record, Toxic has a place in my music library, too. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

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