AMA Responses 01

20 Jun 2022 | ~3 minute read

I’ve received a number of responses to my request to [Ask Me Anything](/ask-me-anything/). Some questions can be answered quickly, others require an entire post of their own.

Here’s some of the answers that don’t require their own post:

Nicolas asked: What is the story behind your blog’s logo?

There is no story to be honest. I wanted a logo that was a simple monogram of my initials, but I couldn’t make the K & Q look good together. So I paid someone on Fiverr to do it for me. 🙃

Thelma asked: I’m wondering what gives you hope for the future?

Honestly, not a lot. The world is going to shit; mortgages are rising, the world is getting hotter. Over-population is getting worse and because of that we’re running out of resources.

These are some of the reasons why my wife and I decided not to have biologically children and adopted instead. I worry about how the next generation are going to manage.

Joel asked: I don’t notice a lot of videogame talk at all in your posts. Are you not interested in them? what about your kids?

I’m not really interested in gaming – I don’t have time. I play Sudoku and some Among Us on my phone from time to time, but that’s about it. I do have an Xbox, but I don’t remember the last time I turned it on.

I occasionally play Minecraft with my oldest son, but it’s very rare as I don’t get much spare time these days.

Joel also asked: Also if you had to wear a hat for the rest of your life, which one would you use?

I don’t really like hats; they don’t suit me (I have a MASSIVE head). I suppose it would be my motorbike helmet so I’d be out on my bike all the time.

Is that cheating? 🙃

Dušan asked: I was wondering how do you manage your responsibilities between family, work and hobbies like running Fosstodon. Are you a very organized person or are you more turbulent and figure stuff out on the fly?**

On a side note, what kind of music do you listen to?

I am a very organised person. I’m also one of those people who doesn’t like to let things hang around. I like to just get sh*t done. So I dive in and get going, if I make mistakes along the way, I can always loop back and fix them.

Ultimately though, I have very little free time. What free time I do have, I make sure it’s away from computers entirely – usually something outside, like walking the dogs, riding my motorbikes etc. Time to decompress is so important.

With regards to music, I like all kinds of music. Classic rock like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Toto, Rolling Stones, AC/DC etc. some pop, indie, and everything in between. I don’t like a single genre; that would be doing music a disservice, I think. If I like a song, I like it. No matter what the genre.

To give you an idea, the songs that have come on while writing this post are:

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