08 Oct 2023 | ~1 minute read

A couple of days ago, I was reading Manu's latest edition of People and Blog, in which he interviewed Andrea Contino.

During the interview, Andrea linked to this post by Matt (who owns another blog that I regularly read and recommend you do too). Anyway, Matt's post is about not changing your blogging platform, which I do on the regular; the most recent of which was just a couple weeks ago.

While I agree with Matt in principle, I think it's ok to switch blogging platform, as long as your URLs don't change. When I change platform, I try to make sure that my URLs don't change, and for anything that does change, like the link to my RSS feed for example, I make sure there's redirects in place so nothing changes for my readers. Matt quite rightly mentions this in his post, to be fair.

Once I've finished a migration, I then keep a very close eye on my 404 logs to see what's failed and if I need to either fix any links, or introduce more redirects that I hadn't thought of.

Either way, this is a great post by Matt. Go read it. Make sure you check out People and Blogs too - there's some fantastic interviews on there so far.

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