A Moment of Madness

15 Dec 2023 | ~1 minute read

In a moment of madness I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and I decided to sign up for Threads. Problem is, I don’t have an Instagram account (I didn't realise one was required).

…and so, still wanting to sign up and test it out, I signed up for Instagram. I entered a disposable email address, fake name, and date of birth. Immediately my account was suspended for no apparent reason. There was, however, and option to appeal. So I smashed that appeal button to within an inch of its life.

It asked me to complete a CAPTCHA, then (shock horror) it asked me for my mobile phone number. This was because I had opted to sign up with an email address instead of a phone number, I assume. Twitter did the same thing when I had an account there. Pricks.

Anyway, fuck that. I noped right out of there, deleted the disposable email and moved on.

Why offer the ability to sign up with an email address if you have no fucking intention of honouring it?

What was I thinking? 🤦‍♂️

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